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code: 08298


Latin Binomial: Jasminum grandiflorum
Plant Part: Flower
Extraction: Concrete
Growing Practice: Ethical
Country of Origin: India
Odor Type: FLORAL

Odor Characteristic: The odor of Jasmine concrete will vary according to origin or solvent used, but it is generally warm, intensely floral, indolic-sharp, rich and tenacious. There can be herbaceous, fatty-green, sweet, tea-like aroma. The odor has been more correctly evaluated in Jasmine absolute when the material is free from the waxes and other alcohol insoluble materials have been removed from the concrete.

Refractive Index: 1.47800 to 1.49200 @ 20.00 °C.
Specific Gravity: 0.91000 to 0.98000 @ 25.00 °C.
Appearance: solid, waxy, reddish-orange, dark-orange or yellow-orange, brownish mass
BioChemical Class: ??
CAS No: 8022-96-6

Aromatherapy There appears to be no aromatherapy use for Jasmine grandiflorum concrete.

Perfumery: In commercial use, Jasmine grandiflorum concrete has primarily been used in soap perfumes, rounding off rough chemical notes. In emerging indie natural perfumery, floral concretes are being incorporated into alcohol-based perfumes, as well as solids.

The information provided on these pages is not a substitute for necessary medical care, nor intended as medical advice. Always keep aromatic extracts tightly closed and in a cool, dark place, out of reach of children. Never ingest aromatic extracts. Always dilute aromatic extracts when applying topically and avoid areas around eyes or mucous membranes. If redness or irritation occurs, stop using immediately and contact your health provider if necessary.