Mar 052009

I came upon this cute video . . . no, not created by Photoshop.

Since we talk of the delights of goat tincture (obtained from the male sweat glands by plucking a a few hairs) in perfumery circles, it struck my fancy.  Amazingly, these uncanny goats are actually climbing the Argan trees of Morocco in search of food, which is otherwise very sparse in the region.   They have become quite agile and adept, almost artful as they traipse across the trees and branches with a sure-footedness hard to imagine from a hoofed animal.

Special this week only (through Sunday, March 8) take 20% off all aromatic extracts (essential oils, CO2’s, Concretes, Absolutes, Floral Waxes and Oleoresins).  Enter “16goatsinatree” (no quotes) in promotional code on website http://www.wingedseed.com

 Posted by at 7:57 pm
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